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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Stretch Film

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  • Product Description
  • We are the only Stretch Film Manufacturers that provide 5 Layer Cast Stretch Films in Mumbai and India. They are Cost effective, Recyclable and have tremendous stability. Our Stretch Films provide extreme puncture and tear resistance with very high cling strength. Being Stretch Film manufacturers we can provide various Thickness, Gauge and Colour as per requirement.
  • Application & Additional Features
  • As compared to any other Stretch Films in Mumbai and India, we provide highly specialized Machine Grade Films with 400% Stretch that no other Stretch Film Manufacturers are providing. Our Machine Stretch Film can be used as a Pallet wrap / Anti Static Stretch Wrap / Colour or Tinted Stretch Wrap for identification. Stretchability upto 400%

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Anti Rust Paper Strips And Envelopes, Bituminised Waterproof Paper, Bop. P. H. D. P. E. Bags, H. D. P. E. Adhesive Tape, H. D. P. E. Fabric Bags, H. D. P. E. Fabric Cut Rolls, H. D. P. E. Five Ply Sheet, Hdpe Fabric Rolls, Paper H. D. P. E. Bags, Paper H. D. P. E. Rolls, Plastic Hdpe Fabric Rolls, Polycoated Paper, Polylined H. D. P. E. Rolls, Rust Preventive V. C. I. Paper, Stretch Film, Unlaminated H. D. P. E. Rolls, Wax Paper, White Paper H. D. P. E. Bags